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Will I Be Required to Use an IID After a DUI Conviction?

 Posted on December 14, 2021 in DUI

Sonoma DUI Defense AttorneyBeing charged with driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to a number of difficulties that will affect a person’s life, including restrictions on their ability to drive. One issue that people may not be aware of is the requirement to use a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID). Drivers who are arrested for DUI will want to be sure to understand when these requirements will apply and the restrictions that they may face when using these devices.

IID Requirements in California

An ignition interlock device or IID is a breathalyzer that will be installed in a person’s vehicle. Before starting the vehicle and at certain intervals while driving, a person will be required to give a breath sample. The vehicle will not start if the IID registers alcohol in the driver’s breath. In addition, any readings that show that a driver has attempted to drive with alcohol in their system will be reported to the authorities, and the driver may face additional criminal charges or restrictions to their driver’s license.

Since 2019, California has required all drivers convicted of DUI to have ignition interlock devices installed in their vehicles. However, by having an IID installed immediately after a conviction, a driver will be able to avoid any suspension or revocation of their driver’s license. When using an IID, a driver will not have any restrictions on where or when they can drive. In addition to the installation of an IID, a driver may also be required to participate in a DUI education program, and they will need to provide proof that they have completed this program. 

The amount of time that a person will be required to use an IID will depend on the number of times they have been convicted for DUI and whether their offense resulted in injuries to others. The following guidelines will generally apply for the length of time a person will be required to use an IID:

  • First DUI conviction: six months

  • Second DUI conviction: 12 months

  • Third DUI conviction: 24 months

  • Fourth or subsequent DUI conviction: 36 months

In cases where a person is convicted of DUI with bodily injury, IID requirements are as follows:

  • First conviction: 12 months

  • Conviction with one prior DUI conviction: 24 months

  • Conviction with two or more prior DUI convictions: 36 months

  • Conviction with one prior felony DUI conviction: 48 months

Contact Our Richmond County DUI Defense Attorney

While the use of an IID may allow you to maintain your driving privileges after being arrested for drunk driving, a DUI conviction can affect your life in many other ways. To prevent or minimize the negative repercussions of a DUI conviction, you can consult with Attorney Paul Burglin to determine your options for defense. He will help you understand your options and provide you with strong and effective representation during your case. Contact our San Francisco DUI lawyer today at 415-729-7300 to arrange your free consultation.






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