Breath Alcohol Testing Resources
Breath-alcohol testing has potential flaws that can lead to inaccurate results. There are many peer-reviewed, published articles on the subject from a variety of sources and authors, and the following are just some of them:
“Biological Aspects of Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Dubowski, K. Clin Chem 20:294 (1974).
“Physiological Aspects of Breath-Alcohol Measurement,” Jones, A. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving 6:1 (1990).
“Physiological Errors Associated with Alcohol Breath Testing,” Hlastala, M. Champion 9:16 (1985).
“A Historical and Experimental Study of the Breath/ Blood Alcohol Ratio,” Jones, A; Wright, B; Jones, T. Year of Conference: 1974 Conference Name: Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety [Proceedings of Int. Conf.] 6th: 509.
“Significance of Variations in Blood:Breath Partition Coefficient of Alcohol,” Alobaidi, T; Hill, D; Payne, J. British Medical Journal 2:1479 (1976).
“Statistical Analysis of Blood- to Breath-Alcohol Ratio Data in the Logarithm-Transformed and Non-Transformed Modes,” Labianca, D; Simpson, G. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 34:111 (1996).
“The Blood/Breath Ratio of Ethanol,” Dubowski, K; O’Neill, B. Clinical Chemistry 25:1144 (1979). “Variability of the Blood/Breath Alcohol Ratio in Drinking Drivers,” Jones, A. Journal of Forensic Science 41(6):916-921 (1996).
“Variability of the Blood to Breath-Alcohol Ratio and Its Effect on Reported Breath-Alcohol Con- centrations,” Labianca, D; Simpson, G. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 33:919-925 (1995).
“Variability of the Blood: Breath Alcohol Ratio in Vivo,” Jones, A. J Stud Alcohol 39:1931 (1978).
“Alcohol Breath Tests: Criterion Times for Avoiding Contamination by ‘Mouth Alcohol,’” Caddy, G; Sobell, M; Sobell, L. Behavior Research Meth- ods & Instrumentation 10:814 (1978).
“Breath-Alcohol Concentration May Not Always Reflect the Concentration of Alcohol in Blood,” Trafford, D; Makin, H. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 18:225 (1994).
“Alcohol Breath Tests: Gross Errors in Current Methods of Measuring Alveolar Gas Concentrations,” Spector, N. Science 172:57 (1971).
“Ethanol Content of Various Foods and Soft Drinks and Their Potential for Interference with a Breath Alcohol Test,” Logan, B; Distefano, S. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 22:181-183 (1998).
“Mouth Alcohol: Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations,” Denney, R; Williams, P, Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, p. 355 (1987).
“The Effect of Dentures and Denture Adhesives on Mouth Alcohol Retention,” Harding, P; McMurray, M; Laessig, R; Simley, D; Correll, P; Tsunehiro, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37:999 (1992).
“The Elimination Rate of Mouth Alcohol: Mathematical Modeling and Implications in Breath Alcohol Analysis,” Gullberg, R. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37:1363 (1992).
“Effect of Hyperthermia on Breath-Alcohol Analy- sis,” Fox, G; Hayward, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34:836 (1989).
“Effect of Hypothermia on Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Fox, G. Hayward, J Journal of Forensic Sciences 32:320 (1987).
“Quantitative Measurements of the Alcohol Concen- tration and the Temperature of Breath During a Prolonged Exhalation,” Jones, A. Acta Physiol Scand 114:407 (1982).
“The Effect of Mouth Temperature on Breath Alcohol Concentration,” Wright, B. Journal of Physiology 163:21 (1962).
“The Influence of Breath Temperature on Assess- ments of Blood Alcohol Level by Breath Analysis,” Legge, D. Quarterly Journal of Stud- ies on Alcohol 26:371 (1965).
“How Breathing Technique Can Influence the Results of Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Jones, A. Med Sci Law 22:275 (1982).
“The Effects of Hypo- and Hyperventilation on Breath Alcohol Measurements,” Mulder, J; Neuteboom, W. Blutalkohol 24:341 (1987).
“Biotransformation of Acetone to Isopropanol Observed in a Motorist Involved in a Sobriety Check (Case Report),” Jones, A; Andersson, L. Journal of Forensic Sciences 40(4):686-687 (1995).
“Diabetes, Breath Acetone and Breathalyzer Accura- cy: A Case Study,” Brick, J. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving 9:27 (1993).
“Diethyl Ether Interference with Infrared Breath Anal- ysis,” Bell, C; Gutowski, S; Young, S; Wells, D. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 16:166 (1992).
“Interfering Substances Identified in the Breath of Drinking Drivers with Intoxilyzer 5000S,” Jones, A.W; Andersson, L; Berglund, K. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 20:522 (1996).
“Intoxilyzer Interference by Solvents,” Edwards, M; Giguiere, W; Lewis, D; Baselt, R. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 10:125 (1986).
“Isopropanol Interference with Breath Analysis: A Case Report,” Logan, B; Gullberg, R; Elenbaas, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 39:1107 (1994). “Observations on the Specificity of Breath-Alcohol Analyzers Used for Clinical and Medicolegal Purposes,” Jones, A. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34:842 (1989).
“Quality Assurance in Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Dubowski, K. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 18:306 (1994).